Monday, October 12, 2009

Google's Mighty Web Masters Tools

How many of us bloggers and site owners try to get our blogs and websites indexed in every directory we know?

The answer is: all of us; that's because a blogger's blog or web master's website is his voice and tool, his way of speaking his mind and giving his opinion, most bloggers try paid websites and give away some money in return of getting indexed in top search engines, famous directories and of course getting more hits and clicks, but some of them can't because either they don't have the money or because they are just in the wrong part of the world, i.e. outside the USA or Europe.

What I am going to share is not some secret scheme to get indexed and not the magical solution to make visitors pour on your blog, I am sharing something that some bloggers already know and may not even need, but still some bloggers don't know where to start, like me for example, I didn't discover this tool easily, not before extensive research and readings, so I hope it would be of help.

During my research on blogging, I found a fantastic tool, my purpose was to find the best ways to get your blog indexed without spending money or having to wait for 4 or 5 months, that tool is Google Web Master's Tools, it's a free tool provided by Google for websites owners to mange and track their websites activity and position on the Internet, Google Web Master's Tools also provides you with a backdoor access for the information that Google stores about your blog or website and also it gives an idea about how Google sees your website.

Notice that using this tool is free and powered by Google, so here's a video I found on YouTube to help you get started:

As you can see you can add your website or blog and verify it and then start using the tool, I want to add some tips and notes:

1- For bloggers you might not be able to upload a file onto your blog, so use the META tag verification method.

2- Try using this method to get indexed in Google and don't use the traditional method as it takes a very long time until you can get a result.

3- Use the geographical targeting gadget to select a specific country or region to focus your work in this country.

4- This is the most important note, you will have the option of submitting your site map file, for those who don't know what it is, it is simply a file containing a map that indicates the pages on your blog or website and how they link together, so the thing is you can't upload a site map to a blog as we previously indicated, so you use your main site feed as a site map, it will be "your blog address/feeds/posts/full"


As an example:

My blog Break Your Limits is recently indexed in Google using Google Web Master's Tools, now observe those statistics:





break your limits



break your limit



break the limits



why are limits important





limits control over



limits boundaries


As you can see these are the top queries that my blog appears in, and believe me that is a big thing considering that it took only 8 days to see that result, so if you type any of these queries in Google search you will find that it's very accurate and all link to my blog

That's not all, your posts and pages will also be indexed and listed and many more amazing features.

There will be more details on the amazing Google Web Master's Tools in the few days to come, meanwhile I will happy to answer any questions and reply to your comments.


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Break your limits